Parent Advocacy Workshops

Advocating for Your Child at Report Card Time

This workshop goes over how Black parents can best support and advocate for our children at report card time.  We will review language used in report cards and assessment, how to position yourself before the report card, questions to ask during parent/teachers interviews, and how to follow up if you disagree with aspects of the assessment.  We will also discuss how to report cards will be different if your child is on an IEP (Individual Education Plan). 

Online Safety

This workshop will address parent concerns about how to keep your kids safe online from a specific lens of understanding anti-Black racism and vulnerability of Black children.  We will discuss laws concerning social media, bullying and harassment in an anti-Black society as well as social board policies on social media, suspension and expulsion.  We will focus on safety apps like Bark, Qustodia, Mobicip and Watchove and how to monitor your kids apps.  We will discuss safety issues for children when it comes to social media and apps like facebook, instagram, twitter and tiktok as well as gaming apps like twitch and discord.  Additionally, we will also discuss how kids can learn and have fun online on platforms like zoom, google classroom, teams, jackbox, boom cards, facebook messenger kids, epic, netmath, blooket, prodigy etc.

Supporting Black Kids to Become Readers

This is a workshop for parents about how to support children (grades Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2) to develop foundational reading skills using Black focused methodologies.  It is a space for parents to learn how to help kids to develop phonemic awareness whether they are learning to read in English, in French or as English language learners (ELL/ESL).  The workshop will support parents to learn techniques to advance children in their skills in decoding, fluency and reading comprehension.