Yes.  Please email us for more information.

Occasionally FreedomSchool looks for additional educators for our own programs.  We prioritize employing marginalized Black youth and adults. If you are interested in joining FreedomSchool’s team you may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca to request an application package.

Registration for our Saturday program happens in August and September.  Our registration is not “first come, first serve”. Instead we prioritize registering Black children with primarily negative school experiences, Black children whose families do not have funds to access other summer programs, Black children who are transgender or gender non conforming and/or children whos families have been affected by state violence (including experience with the justice system, CAS, etc).  In order to register you may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca in Aug/Sept to request an application package.  To find out about our ongoing community events you may visit our facebook page: FreedomSchool – Toronto.

YES!  FreedomSchool – Toronto is part of a larger movement for police free schools and to end the criminalization of Black children and youth.  We are happy to support with local campaigns for police free schools. Please email us for more info at info@freedomschooltoronto.ca.

YES!  FreedomSchool – Toronto is part of a larger movement for community self-determined education.  We are happy to support individuals or groups who wish to start their own initiatives. We can provide free books and resources that we have created to teach about various topics related to Black histories of resistance (some of which are on our website).  We are also in the process of creating an online training course for Black youth and educators who wish to engage in Black liberatory education. In the spring of 2020, we plan to host a curriculum fair for youth and educators who wish to engage in Black liberatory education.  Please email us for more info at info@freedomschooltoronto.ca.

YES!  FreedomSchool – Toronto accepts volunteers to transport groceries, run errands, silkscreen shirts, sew costumes and much more. You may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca to request a volunteer application form or to offer a particular service.

We accept donations of new or unused: pencils, workbooks, art supplies, office supplies, office furniture, laptops and computers etc.  You may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca.

We may be able to support with this.  You may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca.

Yes.  FreedomSchool’s members have advocated for many families in cases of suspension, expulsion, unfair discipline, creation of IEPs, etc.  If you have a question about school discipline, special education placements or the placement of a school resource officer in your youth’s school – you may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca.

No.  FreedomSchool is a community driven program.  FreedomSchool – Toronto participates in activism to hold school boards and government bodies accountable for anti-Black racism.  Occasionally, FreedomSchool partners with community schools to help them to develop plans to address anti-Black racism at their schools.  These plans might involve summer programs. When offering programs in partnership with community schools, FreedomSchool maintains 100% autonomy over curriculum, selecting educators, and making choices that affect students and families.

You may make a donation directly to our trustee organization.  You can send a donation to karen@childrenspeacetheatre.org.  Please set the answer for the security question to: FreedomSchool.

Registration for our summer program happens in April.  Our registration is not “first come, first serve”. Instead we prioritize registering Black children with primarily negative school experiences, Black children whose families do not have funds to access other summer programs, Black children who are transgender or gender non-conforming and/or children whose families have been affected by state violence (including experience with the justice system, CAS, etc).  In order to register, you may email info@freedomschooltoronto.ca in April to request an application package. 

No.  FreedomSchool is an independent initiative, though nevertheless in the spirit of the movement for Black lives.